Enabling Good Lives – New Zealand
The Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach started in New Zealand in 2011 with the focus on increasing choice and control for people with a disability and their families.
The EGL approach is a framework to channel positive change for people with a disability, families, communities and governance structures. The EGL approach has eight core principles, a vision and key components to guide positive change.
The vision and eight principles are based on respect towards people with a disability and their families and entrusts them to be decision-makers in their own lives and to manage the resources used for their support.
iplanit care management software facilitates the eight principles of Enabling Good Lives
Self – determination: Disabled people are in control of their lives.
iplanit is a person-centred software program that not only facilitates their agreed care/support plans, but also their desired outcomes (both past and present, highlighting their life journey) and the progress being made towards them. Additionally, individuals can see their Calendar – all the things that they need to either prepare for or look forward to – ensuring that they have independence over their life and schedules.
Beginning early: To support children with a disability to become independent rather than waiting for a crisis before support is available.
iplanit care plans can be tailored from children to adults with specialist support plans such as behaviour support plans. The adaptability and configurability of iplanit means that support plans can be tailored for individual Supported People within a range of provider services.
Person-centred: Supports that are tailored to their individual needs and goals.
People with a disability can have personal access to their iplanit person portal. The added benefit of this person-centred care planning software is that people with a disability can invite members of their circle-of-support into the care planning, delivery and monitoring processes of their life. Whānau, friends, social workers, support workers, employers, health professionals or anyone else involved in assisting them to live a fulfilling and independent life, can get involved through the person portal of the iplanit care management software. This co-design, multi-stakeholder, approach streamlines support while keeping the individual supported at the centre of it all.
Ordinary life outcomes: People with a disability are supported to live an everyday life in everyday places.
iplanit is built around outcomes, and within the functionality of outcomes are “step-goals”, allowing service providers to work with individuals to build detailed, support plans to facilitate outcomes.
Mainstream first: People with a disability are supported to access mainstream services before specialist disability services.
iplanit is easily adaptable to facilitate support plans with goals, action plans and outcomes that foster independence in whatever setting is chosen by the service provider.
Mana enhancing: The abilities and contributions of people with a disability and their families are recognised and respected.
iplanit enables the circle-of-support such as whānau and friends and “invited guests” to view support plans, outcomes and progress, the person’s calendar of activities and appointments and any uploaded media, which may include photos or videos of activities. This gives members of the circle-of-support, the ability to utilise the iplanit internal messaging system, facilitating a co-productive communication approach with the person at the heart.
Easy to use: Supports must be simple to use and flexible.
iplanit’s person portal is intuitive and easy to use with icons and pictures to make it simple for people with a disability to view their support plans, goals, calendars, and messaging. The addition of external media, such as pictures, video and sound files, allows both supporters and supported people to personalise their records, make them more accessible and “bring it to life”.
Relationship building: Supports build and strengthen relationships between people with a disability, their whānau and community.
iplanit supports and strengthens relationships between individuals and their whānau and community with the person portal. The Person Portal “invited guest” functionality, is an important element valued by whānau and friends, who are able to see what care and support is being provided and to be able to communicate directly with their loved-one and their care team.
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