Intellectual Disabilities And Autism Care Management Software
iplanit was initially adopted by innovative and forward-thinking providers of Intellectual Disability and Autism support services, thanks to its person-centred design and focus on inclusion and outcomes.
Since then, we have developed iplanit in co-production with many of these providers, resulting in the myriad of configuration options and optional modules available today. iplanit is a specialist solution for service providers, allowing them to develop and evidence the impact of their services, the meaningful improvement in quality-of-life of the participants they support and how they help participants achieve life’s potential.
Building the system around the participant started with the Person Portal, providing access and ownership of support plans and outcomes, promoting a truly inclusive approach. The addition of external media, such as pictures, video and sound files, allows both supporters and participants to personalise their records, make them more accessible and “bring it to life”.
NDIS Compliant Software For Autism And Intellectual Disabilities
People on the Autism Spectrum or with other neurodiverse conditions, often require specialised support, which can vary significantly in approach and intensity. The adaptability and configurability of iplanit means that support plans can be tailored for individual participants within a range of provider services.
The Outcomes Module ensures that the needs, wishes and potential of the participant are the foundation for all support planning and risk management becomes part of the personalisation process to ensure safety whist minimising restriction.
Participants can have personal access to their iplanit portal. The added benefit of this person-centred care planning software is that participants can invite members of their circle-of-support into the care planning, delivery and monitoring processes of their life.
iplanit software is configurable, meaning that service providers can easily incorporate existing processes and tailor support plans to include specialised approaches such as positive behaviour support, clinical care, supported independent living and more.
Helping You To Support People With Intellectual Disabilities And Autism
For service providers supporting participants with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism, iplanit provides real-time monitoring of the support being provided. Alerts notify staff teams and management of concerns or overdue reviews and tasks and a range of dashboards allow live auditing of service delivery and record keeping.
A rich dataset afforded by the configurability of iplanit produces detailed quality reporting across Core and Optional Modules, allowing service providers to evidence NDIS and Enabling Good Lives regulatory compliance and inform an internal culture of continuous improvement and the sharing of best practice.
Benefits of iplanit NDIS and Enabling Good Lives Care Management Software for Intellectual Disability and Autism support
The Person Portal ensures that people with an Intellectual Disability or Autism are at the heart of their services and included in their own support planning and outcome achievement. iplanit is:
Personalised risk management
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